Advances in information communication technologies are transforming every walk of life. The society is becoming increasingly connected, where information and knowledge form the basis of wealth.
The state-of-the-art mobile broadband environment and services is the product of the Japanese information communication technologies and industrial accumulation. It promotes further research and development and calls for standardization.
In order for the research and development, and standardization of mobile broadband to progress efficiently and smoothly, people in this field need to work together in close cooperation and communication. Also it is absolutely necessary to make any promotional efforts practical.
The main task of the MBA is to build up the mobile broadband infrastructure and mobile services and applications, and promote consensus building in research and operational issues related to this nascent field.
Based on these prospects, "Mobile Broadband Association" has been established. We will contribute to the total promotion of research and development, and standardization of mobile broadband technologies to make the mobile broadband society to happen.
Shigeki Goto
Representative of Originators